I really cannot believe that Addison has been with us now for a whole year. It is true, time really does fly by. And how precious the little time we have with them is. Ryan reminded me yesterday that we only have seventeen more years to have her living at home with us. We use to have eighteen. We are so grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing us with such a precious little girl with a sweet spirit that has already touched so many people. Tomorrow is going to be a very special day.

Here are some pictures from her "Almost One Birthday," that her Aunt Summer planned while we were out in Utah.

Birthday kisses from Grandpa Layne.

Awesome decorations by Aunt Summer.

What did she grab the card...no, the money. She's learning quick!

Cute little felt carrots, pancakes, & strawberry Grandma
Cec made for her kitchen.

Loves the My Little Pony mane.

Admiring the
bracelet her second cousin made her.

mitts made by Aunt Summer.

By Aunt Summer again.

Playing with the decorations was half the fun (with her third cousin).
Tomorrow, is going to be great.
Wow, that Aunt Summer is so cool. I can totally see why she is Addison's favorite Aunt ever! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE A!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to Addison! Oh my goodness does time ever fly by! I hope you guys have a wonderful day with your sweet little girl. She is so stinking cute! I love that our little ones share a birthday.
ReplyDeleteShe is so stinkin cute with all her teeth!! Happy birthday Addison- and keep an eye out for the ups guy!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteINcredible! I can't believe she is that old! Keep all the pictures coming!
ReplyDeleteShe is so adorable. Time sure goes by fast doesn't it, especially with little ones in the house. Enjoy every moment! Miss you all!