Monday, November 19, 2012


Isn't this the cutest serious face.  We don't see it very often, he is usally smiling.
 Addison has started saying, "Take a picture of us together!"
 What we do before we put the toilet paper away.
Make toilet paper castles and also use them for bowling pins.  Addison thought it was a riot.
Do you see what I see?
Here's a closer look.
                                                                     And a close up!
 What fun things you can do with a little brother. 
 Ryan thought this situation had disaster written all over it.  But I thought it was a great idea and Easton didn't see to mind.
 A fedora pciture for Grandma Jodi.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Been Spook-Tacular!

We were very busy the last two weeks.  We made paper plate Fookies (Spookies aka ghosts) to hang on the window.

Easton watched all of our craziness go down.
We ate lots of yummy halloween themed food, like ghost eggs.
Made glittered spider webs from spagehti.  On a side note, never place a food product outside unless you want all the ants in the ENTIRE crater to come to your back porch!  I put these outside to dry overnite.  I checked on them a couple hours in and I had to throw them away there was such a swarm of ants everywhere.  Yuck!
It had to be pink glitter of course.
Swamp mosters for dinner.
Look what we caught in our web!
We played a balance game on a spiderweb.  Addison, had to balance while she bent down to pick up and eat the "flies,"  chocolate macadamia nuts,  that landed in our web.
Had a spooky blue spider web bath with little monsters.
Fuzzy bugs and monster faces for lunch.
A mouse for dinner.
Pumpkins for lunch.
Stuffed Jack-o-lanters for dinner.
Carving our pumpkins.  Ryan got off easy this year, Addison picked pumpkins she could carry, so they were small and quick to scoop out and carve.
She did not like to help scoop them out.

A bath full of ghosts and put the face on the pumpkins.
Happy little pumpkin.
A spider sandwich for lunch.
Addison painted Easton's feet for a project we did.  She loved it, he didn't feel the same.
We made juice boxes into mummies with googly eyes to share with our friends.
And finally on Halloween we had a party at playgroup and went Trick-or-Treating here in the crater.  Addison loved it and walked for a solid hour and a half!
 Cute little face!
 She made out!  Dad was quick to suggest they lay all the candy out to see what she got...and sample the goods.
It was a great holiday but man am I tired.  Now onto Thanksgiving!