Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Feel Like a Dumpster Diver

So I'm activities director for our ward and there's a Valentine's dance coming down the pipeline all too quickly. It's going to be a WWII themed hangar dance and I need lots and lots of cardboard. They'll be transformed into awesome looking supplies crates. You know the old timey wooden ones with "DANGER" or "EXPLOSIVES" stenciled in red on the sides. Today I went around collecting cardboard from various furniture and appliance stores. So there I was in the loading dock of one of the stores struggling with boxes nearly my height. I had to fold them flat so they'd fit in the back on the Expo' and let me tell ya for temporary holding they sure glue those suckers up. There was a moment there that it dawned on me... I'm pretty much a dumpster diver picking up peoples' leftovers....greeeaat. I even had to take one box out of the recycle dumpster, literally a dumpster digger! Yikes were has all the little class I had acquired gone? On the bright side I got some super great boxes and a lot of them. These crates are going to be smashing!


  1. You know what they say, Brooke: If it talks like a duck and it walks like a duck, it must be a duck. Don't deny your true nature anymore. You know you've been wanting to go through garbage your whole life!

    Can't wait for the dance!

  2. I can just see you going in and out of the cans. Hope you took a shower before ryan got home.

  3. I'll bet the dance will be decorated amazingly. I only wish I could see it. You are so TALENTED! Very cool idea.

  4. Hello! How are you? Love you blog and now we can kind of keep in touch better. So we are going to go on a road trip this summer and I really would like to come see you. It would be SO fun! Anyways, I will let you know when it comes closer. Miss you!

  5. Did you just go "un-private"?!!! I hope so! I haven't been a good blogging friend mostly because I use reader and private blogs don't pop up.

    How are you doing? How did the V-day activity go? Where are your pictures???? :)
