Monday, September 13, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

For Labor Day Weekend we headed up to Duluth, MN to see our friends Cameron and Rebecca. We were stationed with them in Astoria and now get to be close (six hour drive) to them again. We all had so much fun catching up, reminiscing, and making new memories. It was so fun watching our girls meet each other and interact. We went on a sightseeing train adventure. Except Rebecca got us on the wrong train and we didn't get to see any of lake Superior like we were expecting. And there was terribly annoying narration the WHOLE ride. But we still enjoyed just being all together.

No, Ryan and I didn't mean to match. It's been hot here at home so I only packed shorts and t-shirts with the exception of one sweatshirt I threw in last minute advised by Ryan that it would be colder up north. And guess which sweatshirt he threw in too! So we represented OR double time that day and if there would happen to be a tsunami on Lake Superior we had our evacuation instructions printed on the sweatshirts. Addison is developing some sticky fingers. I looked over at her to find her fist stuffed with a sourdough pretzel nugget. I asked Ryan why he gave her a pretzel. He said he didn't. I said, "Well I didn't." This little turkey dipped herself a pretzel out of the bag her Dad was holding and managed to escape both of us knowing.
She really did enjoy it!

It is so nice to have friends who you can't just pick up where you left off with.

Like I said it was cold in Duluth and I had not packed for Addison or myself accordingly. Earlier in the day I improvised an outfit for her that would keep her warm but during lunch she blew out her diaper all over her stroller and me. The only other outfit I had with us was a onesie so on it went and when we went for a stroll on the waterfront the only thing close to a blanket I had were Ryan's surf shorts. So hence her styling black blanket. She did fit nicely into one leg!

This was such a sweet moment I wish the lens wasn't all fogged up. I left my camera out in the mud room and when I brought it in this moment was happening and if I wanted to capture it I didn't have time to wait for the lens to heat up and clear.
We had a busy weekend roasting s'mores, scavenging through Rebecca's cast offs (I scored some killer carved plant stands!), going out to eat, making vanilla cream soda (which even the kids wouldn't touch, maybe it was the turbinado sugar. We'll have to try it again.), riding the train, discovering Duluth, and staying up way too late into the morning talking it up.


  1. Close is 6 hours away???!!!

    I'm glad you guys had a good trip. Addison looks so much like her dad :)

    It's really cute to see pics of them together.

  2. Ahhh finally, new pictures! She is so cute..still. And I do believe that sandy-blonde hair is back to stay! Looks like she takes after one of her aunts...!

  3. At least it was your pretzel and not one she fished out of the seat! My kids can find food anywhere..sadly most of the time I didn't bring it :) Love that family picture and Addison is adorable! Love the fluffy hair with a bow, too cute!

  4. 801-602-1660. COME SEE ME!!! If you want, you could stay here too. We have an extra bedroom/bathroom. I can't wait to see you!
