Saturday, December 12, 2009

Baby Photos


  1. Yay! I got on the computer specifically hoping to find pictures of Addison! Brooke, she's darling. She reminds me a lot of Jane when Jane was born (except without all that cool hair). I bet you can't get enough of those chubby cheeks. This girl has rolls to be proud of--the cutest kind of baby!

  2. She is so adorable!! She reminds me of looking at those pictures of you and summer that were up on your parent's walls when we were in 5th grade! What cheeks!! Congratulations guys we are SOO happy for you!!

  3. She's Beautiful Brooke! I wish we were closer so I could hold her! I hope you all are doing good! I miss you all and love you all! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. She looks like my mimi-me! Except, I didn't have all that hair. Maybe in a few years we can get her some silver teeth, then we can really be twins. Wish I were there...

  5. Congrats from the Blues! Shes beautiful. What a wonderful blessing. Enjoy every minute. :)

  6. Oh my goodness. Congratulations! She is beautiful. That hair is FABULOUS! Love it. I am glad you are doing well. I think it is fantastic that our babies share the same birthday! Pretty neat!

  7. She is GORGEOUS! Look at all that hair! Hope you are recovering well. Much love! Jo Ann, Frank, Michael, & Caroline

  8. Finally, I jumped through the hoop so that I can say, "She is so gorgeous, you all honestly bring tears to my eys, as you can imagine after Ryan's surprise party. Addison is a perfect mix of the both of you. Ryan so needed a girl, he looks like he's been completely melted by this sweet little babe. Life is so over as you once knew it, and I am not referring to your loss of freedom, lack of sleep, although those do come with the territory; I'm referring to the endless love and the selflessness only a child can inspire - the closest thing we will ever experience to God's love" I could not be happier for all of you; seeing your new family brings my heart joy. God bless, Sam
