Wednesday, January 25, 2012

After bath dance party necessities: "T-T bale" ie Tinker Bell costume, with wings of course and an Abby wand, and lots of music with a strong beat.

Here it is, the first instance where Addison has stolen my shoes. I am sure there is instances to come in the future.

And why is she clutching that blanket like a 4month old? It just came out of the dryer, super nice on a cold single digit night!


  1. ...and they're ugly shoes at that. I'm gonna have to teach her to have a little taste in style.

  2. They are slipper and yes they are ugly but they are furry on the inside and keep my feet warm. Promise, I will leave them in WI!

  3. Brooke,

    Addison is so darling, and we all love her for sure, but do you know who else we all love? YOU! I need to hear about YOU, too--like how you're doing and how you're feeling and how your belly is growing. Do you realize you haven't even announced the big news on your blog? We need to know that stuff. Hmmmm...maybe you shared it on Facebook?! Anyway....I'm glad you like your rugs.. I hope you're doing alright. I'll call you when I get a minute's peace :)
