Sunday, April 25, 2010


Addison loves, loves, loves her baths. Can you tell. This is the second time that she's fallen asleep during a bath. When we decide to go the chemo route they told us no baths for as long as she had the PICC line in. Well I knew we had to come up with someway for her to have baths. Ever since the day she was born she's loved them. In the hospital she was screaming away. That is until Ryan started washing her hair and she didn't make a sound. We knew there was some magic in that hair washing. So with so many unpleasant and painful experiences she's had to endure I wasn't about to take away something that she enjoyed so much. After trying a few things we came up with wrapping her arm in Press N Seal. You know the kitchen wrap stuff. We seal the ends off with paper tape and don't fill the bath up. We just let it run the whole time and she stays elevated on her sponge.
Even hair washing didn't wake her up.
On Saturday my friend Kim and I headed up the peninsula to Fish Creek. We had a great lunch of black bean burgers at the White Gull in. The weather was nice and sunny. So much so that they May Flies were out everywhere on the shore. Yuck.
Kim sporting a sequined ensemble! She's going to be one Hot grandma someday.Kim told me this building use to be across the lake. During on winter they chopped it up in three sections and pulled it across the lake. Can you believe that?
And while you are in Fish Creek you must kiss a pig...
Or ride a turtle!
Isn't this little stone wall and gate charming? It reminds me of the, "Secret Garden,"There was a little cottage hiding behind it's enclosure. I'm sure they have a great view too, because we were right on the shore of Lake Michigan.
Pretty creative with hay. A tractor and trailer hauling hay made out of hay.

One draw back from all of the chemo treatments is hair loss. Yikes. I kept finding her pacifier covered with hair and then one morning this week I saw the back of her jammies were covered in hair and started investigating.

One Dr. thought we cut her hair like this. What??!! Who would do that. No this do is a result of her turning her head to the left and right repeatedly to put her self to sleep and chemo. She has effectively sheared off the top row of hair straight across.
My investigation lead me to this nice little pile of hair in her crib courtesy of chemo. I find little piles like this every morning. Anyone know where to buy some cute spring/summer hats?
My childhood friend's, Gena, aunt sent this little outfit for Addsion. I think it makes her look so girly and adorable.
This picture reminds me of a porcelain doll you'd find on QVC way over priced. And the best thing about this one is she's mine.

Addison loves a good magazine. She thumbs through the pages like a pro. Now I just have to cross my fingers that she doesn't pick up how to use a credit card as fast as she learned to scan a mag. Otherwise we could be in trouble.
I loved this little outfit too. It's so nice that the weather is turning better. We can start wearing all of our summer clothes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Random Happenings

We looked out the window one day last week and saw this fox in the field across from our house. I've seen him on another occasion since. I don't think I'll let Addison play in the yard alone for awhile! On Saturday we got out of the house to enjoy the warming weather. We went GeoCacheing around town. On of the caches were located along the Ahnapee Trail. Near the end we saw what looked like a stump on the road. Ryan asked if it was a piece of wood or a cat.
As we got closer it moved! It was a critter of some sort. I thought it looked like a beaver minus the beaver tail. I asked our YW leader on Sunday and she said it was muskrat.

Another cache was located near this old brick church. Around back we found this pump and Ryan, by working it for awhile, found out that it still worked. We tried to get a picture of Addison with it but the wind kept taking her breath away.

Ryan and Addison in front of the church doors. This is just five minutes outside of town and you are in the country. Pretty cool. There are as always lots of barns around too.
On the Ahnapee trail. This was the first time we used the backpack and Addison really liked it. While I was packing her around she even fell asleep. She loves being outdoors.

She was so super serious here. We couldn't figure out what was up.

Since being in the hospital Addison has really taking a liking to TV, errr, especially Baby Einstein Videos. We try to limit her to about 20 min of anything only a few times a week. Did you know TV early on can make kids have ADD? But she's sneaky and finds the TV even when we just have it on for background noise. At which time we quickly turn it off.
A week ago we had a week of really great weather. One day it even got to 82! Yipee. So Addison's and I had lunch on the deck. Or I should say I had lunch while she played.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Addison has moved onto eating real food, vegetables. Her first try was with yams and from the sequence below you can see that it wasn't all that successful.

These few are suppose to be at the beginning but blogger won't cooperate.