Friday, March 12, 2010

Across the River and Through the Woods....

To Grandmother's house we go...
except Grandma Jodi and Pop Pop came to our house.Addison has been soaking up the attention latley. First, Grandma Cec came for a week during Addison's second week of chemo. That visit brought lots of spoiling, dresses as previously seen, shoes, and hats. And now Grandma Jodi brought some smashing new sunglasses to go with a previously shipped swimsuit (and lots of other Grandma goodies!)
I love this gummy little smile. And guess who she was smiling at? Her momma.

We had a ton of fun while Rick and Jodi were here. We traveled up the peninsula to take in the quaint little villages, made the obligatory cheese factory stop, made the rounds at the custom meat market, and Culverized (regional take on In and Out Burger) the in-laws. And as always there was lots and lots of baby holding and loving.
This is what my morning routine has become. Toothpast, flat iron, pacifier, bows, and eyelash curler, and a cute little monkey taking it all in from her Bumbo. Certainly different than it use to be, but I love it.


  1. What a great spot for the bumbo!! I will have to remember that when Lilly can sit in hers :) She will know how to straighten hair and curl lashes by the time she can hold her head up!
    I love her gummy smile!!!! :)

  2. Pop Pop loves you "CURD" Your doing great!!!!!!!! OXOXOX Your a tough little doll. Mom and Dad are doing a great job. Miss you guys already.
    Pop Pop
