Sunday, December 11, 2011


We started off Addison's birthday with a breakfast of a variety of fruit and cake! And ended the day with nachos and a fruit Popsicle.

While I was prepping for her party on Saturday, Ryan took her to the Y where she got to play for three hours in the gymnastics room with all the toys. She also met up with two of her friends at the Y.

Here's pictures from her party on Saturday.

For favors we gave away sparkly play dough, gold fish crackers, ring pops, and real goldfish. I am sure the mothers really appreciated the live fish!

Her cake was Abby Caddaby and took most of Saturday to complete, but seeing how happy it made her worth it.

She loves this Elmo balloon walker. She gives it hugs and kisses all the time and yesterday I caught her talking to it very seriously and then saying, "Yeah?" In a tone that implied she was awaiting an answer back.

She's finally got the hang of opening presents. And she scored big time with so many cool presents.

This tissue paper was a bigger hit initially than the present. She took out the tissue piece by piece and smoothed it out before digging in for the next piece.

Now onto planning for next year!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Today is a big day in the Agre House. Our little girls is 2! We are celebrating tomorrow with an Elmo and Abby Caddaby party with some little friends. We cannot believe we have had two years with her and Ryan can't believe we only have 16 more. We love her more than we can put into words. She has truly changed our lives in unexplainable ways. We love you little Monkey! Today, we will leave you with some pictures to finish off the last post.
Last month we gave Addison her big birthday present early. We went to a showing of Elmo Live in Green Bay. She totally loved it. This is her "Elmo" hair.

Trying to show the camera her hair.

Riding in style, popping cheese curds and popcorn on the way to Green Bay.

We have NEVER seen Addison so excited. It was awesome to see he so happy. She was a head shaking, booty shaking, screeching little kid. I didn't know that Elmo made people tear up, but that's what happened to me seeing Addison SO, SO, SSSSSSSSSO happy.

As soon as we entered the arena she saw the merchandise display, very good marketing to kids, I almost fell for it too. $25 for a T-shirt even more for the little Elmo she already had at home. Instead we settled for a $10 Elmo balloon, it's still inflated so we got our moneys worth...I like to believe.

Just a little bit excited.

Sliding down the stair railing.

One day unexpectedly, Addison busted these moves out, much to my astonishment.

This is what comfy at our house looks like.

This is what our Sunday nights look like and I love that Addison love is as much as I do. My Mom started the tradition of pop corn and movies on Sunday nights and we are carrying that tradition on.

Here's a sample of what Addison and I did for Ryan's birthday card. She was a very unwilling participant but we finished it in time. When he came home we had it hanging on the wall spelling out "Happy B-Day."

We went out to Sonny's Pizza to celebrate Ryan's birthday. We ordered lots of deep fried appetizers, had pizza and a yummy cake from the bakery.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Post 1 of many to follow.

We have a lot to catch up on so here is one post of many to follow.

Ryan recieved lottery tickets from some of his friends for his birthday. He was quick to teach Addison how to scratch them properly and she loved it.

Summer & Ryan sent Ryan a birthday in a box. Addison had fun decorating the cake they sent.

For Thanks Giving we traveled up to Duluth and spent time with Cameron and Rebecca's family. We were stationed with them out in Astoria and are happy to be close to them again.

Georgia, their oldest, and Addison have mutual adoration of eachother and spent a lot of time playing. Adelaide and Addison are too close in age yet and had some good fights.

We had a really nice couple of days, minus the dog poop on three pairs of shoes incident, catching up with some of our favorite people.

We celebrated the day with a proper feast and a Tur-duck-hen.

We leave you with the many faces of Addison Agre.