Sunday, December 19, 2010

What We've Been Up To.

This is how I contain my baby when I can't hold her. I tie her to a tall, tall, chair. J/K we went over to our friends house for a day of baking and a cookie exchange. I didn't want Addison to wander around while she ate her snack so I set her at the table. The only problem is that Sunday has those tall cafe table chairs and a long way to fall. So out came the trusty dishtowels and voila! An instant high chair! Hanging out with Mr. Dale and Hunter. She was so tired but wouldn't take a nap. Addison loves jewelry. You can see her sporting my necklace I wore that day. She now points to things when she wants them. Not only does she want jewelry she knows she wants it on too.Later that night when we all got together for dinner. Addison was the star of the party. One of Ryan's co-workers was there, he's a twenty something and Addison loved, loved, loved him. He was having a pretty good time playing with her too and even offered to watch her while I ate (Ryan was underway.) Gotta love that entertains her and lets me eat!
Looking for trouble.
Miss Sunday let Addison play with some of her decorations.
How do we not get bored when there is snow all around outside? We sit in boxes!
Thank you Gena for the cute birthday dress...and the box it came in.

Addison's birthday present from Grandma Jodi and Pop Pop arrived and we got to open it up with them on Skype. Addison loved all the goodies inside, especially the hair clips.
She's been sick again this week, can you tell?
She loved rediscovering the presents the next morning too.
Sorry Jana, this is the best picture I could get of her in the dress you got her. It wasn't her best day. Notice the cute tights from her previously mentioned birthday box?
I finally finished some projects I've been working on. I borrowed a friends ladder and got these babies hung up. See that curtain rod? Well I've had drapes up and down on that dang thing twice since we moved here and once again they are down. The window is so wide I had to get two hand rails and screw them together. I got so tired of waiting for Ryan to have the time to do it I just tackled it myself. When Ryan saw how jimmy rigged they were and that the stain didn't match he said they had to come down. I didn't care, after a year and a half I just want my drapes up again. So in blog land I found this ingenious idea to use PVC pipe for a curtain rod (because solid wood rods are super expensive, especially when I'll only live here for such a short time.) I think they look pretty believable. When I went to put the curtain rings on they were too small. Man! I guess I measured wrong when I got the pipe so I'm waiting on my new rings to arrive and then I'll show you a final picture. Oh, I also whipped out that little picture in the frame. Just some cute fabric and a sparkly JOY for the Christmas season.
I picked this little table up at a consignment shop here that I love. It was stained a dark brown, UGLY! But the shape was cute. This project took forever because I wanted to sand through the finish color and have the look of layers and layers of paint underneath. I achieved the look but it too three separate colors, many coats of paint, and a few months. I'll post a better picture when I get the drapes up.

Addison give kisses now. The open mouth kind. Here's a series of her kissing her new monkey.
Eye's on the target.
Going in for the smooch.
Open mouth landing.
Sealing the deal.
And when she's done with you, she's done.
This was the day when I looked at her and realized she's not a baby anymore she's a little girl.
having a sick day.

We have her dresser drawer out to fix. This is how I found her the other day.


  1. Good post. I love everything! I'm always especially excited when you show your decorating. The rod does look really good. I just did a little craft the other day that I love. I'll tell you about it later. Anyway...wish you were here. Merry Christmas!

  2. LOVE all the new photos. It is very fun to see your decorating ideas. You are SO good at that. Great idea with the PVC pipe. We get open mouth kisses from Adam too...very cute and wet! He has even been biting me now and then when he moves in. OUCH!
