Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Addison is very good at pointing out too me how dirty the floors are. She finds every microscopic piece of cheerio, dirt, lint, or otherwise, picks it up all dainty, and holds it up for me to take away. When I went to investigate what piece of dirt she got a hold of yesterday this is what I found upon inspection. A sow bug! These buggers are everywhere here. When we moved in I found a bunch dead under where the furniture was. And now even if I have just vacuumed I find their little bodies creeping across the carpet. But I will take sow bugs over ants and mice, of which I have had the pleasure of both while living in this house.

She had a good time trying to pick him up. She wasn't hurting him so I thought I would take a moment to get a picture of her first bug interaction.
But then suddenly right after this picture he wasn't okay, he was popped into her mouth and MUNCHED. I yelled, "NOOOO!" and then started laughing hysterically about what she just did. I did get it back out but he was long gone. All the while she just looked at me in bewilderment.

If this is any indication of our upcoming year it's going to be an adventure! Happy New Year.


  1. It's a good source of protein, she'll be just fine.

  2. mmmmm--crunch-crunch--she's getting ready for "Fear Factor"---
