Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Morning pictures.

I love this outfit. It is such a big person outfit made small. These are her first jeans too.
Cute little monkey
New Sunday dress.
What the heck?
Pretty little girl.
The magic of the swing has worn off and we are still fighting our naps.
She's gaining her weight alright. Look at all those adorable little rolls. It makes slow going at bathtime.


  1. She is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L !! No question who her Daddy is 'eh? She looks just like Ryan! Except she's cuter. LOL
    Much love,
    Jo Ann and Frank

  2. There are those cheeks again!! She looks so different every time you put new pictures up! What a sweet girl :) 8 weeks and she'll have a new friend to email pictures to!!
