Monday, January 12, 2009

I Did It...

Yes, I went out & ran today. Ok, for all intents & purposes I ran for only 5min. & power walked the rest, big deal. For those of you who don't know I hate exercising. I've heard many good stories about those people who get a runner's high & just can't get enough. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. (Ann & my sister's sister-in-law happen to be counted among the lucky few who love to sweat this way.) I feel every dang second I am running & the only high I get is certain undergarments creeping high up into places they shouldn't be. Or the opposite happens & I am constantly pulling up my pants that keep falling down.
So this marks the start one of my new year resolutions, start exercising...again. (It was either that or Ryan was going to drag me to the gym & he's an exercise Natzi. Yikes.) This time I have a little secret weapon on my side. Ryan bought me a Nano, an armband carrier, & this amazing little Nike exercise tracking devise to go with it all for Christmas. You wear it on your shoe & it syncs with the nano to keep track of your distance, pace, etc. & allows you too keep track of your progress by uploading your workout info to NIke+. You can even compete against other people on-line. I'm not going to go that far but isn't that amazing from such a little thing on your shoe! So this workout was a lot more enjoyable being able to listen to music & record my workout data. I think this is really going to help me stay the course after all I am a results kind of girl. And this thing is going to give me lots of tangible results, if not the shedding of pounds at least numbers on a screen. So here's hoping I get out & do it again...sometime during 2009.


  1. You're hard core, man. No messing around here! Awesome, Brooke. You can do it. By the way, I'm not the natural running lover you may think me to be. It took me like four years of exercising three times a week to start liking it. I only wish I were one of those girls who would say, "Oh, what a beautiful day! I feel like running!"

  2. Dang...that is pretty hard core! I like how I feel after working out, that's the best part. It is not very easy when you are sweating and panting though! That was a cool gift from Ryan.
